February 7
6:00 pm

Bellaire City Hall


We invite all residents and business owners to an open house on Wednesday, February 7, at 6:00 pm at Bellaire City Hall. The meeting will provide an overview of proposed updates to the Comprehensive Plan with an opportunity for the public to voice their opinions and ask questions about various topics being updated in the Plan that will affect the future of Bellaire, such as the zoning for the commercial and downtown areas and quality of life amenities.

The open house will be presented by representatives from Kendig Keast Collaborative, who will also give a presentation on the status of their review of the Plan, public input/survey results, and proposed changes. The meeting will allow residents and other stakeholders to interact and engage with the consultants and the staff regarding the content of the Plan.

The open house is free and open to everyone. For more information, please visit

Comprehensive Plan