January 21
8:00 am – 10:30 am

Willow Waterhole


The Nature Discovery Center is partnering with Houston Audubon to conduct the monthly urban Willow Waterhole bird survey. Mary Ann Beauchemin, Senior Naturalist at the NDC leads these surveys on the 3rd Saturday of each month except December. The monthly Bird Survey at Willow Waterhole lets both researchers and birders study how the creation of retention ponds can attract birds to urban areas as well as how populations of species change over time in this urban setting.

Upcoming Surveys:

January 18, February 15, & March 21 from 8 – 10:30 am

We would love to have you volunteer to help out with this survey! Beginning birders can help spot birds and more experienced birders can help with identification. We break into 3 or 4 groups to try and cover a good portion of the park. Trails are fairly easy walking and the survey takes about 2 hours. We meet in the parking lot of the Gathering Place at 5310 South Willow Drive, Houston.